Wealth Buiilding Mastermind Group
Maya Angelo once said, “If you Know Better Your Must Do Better.” As a business owners we have learned so many things from the Pandemic and the 2008 recession. Hopefully, we have learned the importance of studying how money works, how to build wealth, how to save and invest money.
There is so much talk in the news about a new recession coming. My question to you is how have you began to prepare for this new economic climate?
If you are not prepared and you need some help creating a Money Master Plan, I am here to help you. The recession was really rough from me as a business owner and single mom. I learned so much about money and key strategies to building wealth. I would like to empower you.
During the month of July I will be launch the Wealth Building Mastermind Group. We will meet once a week for 4 weeks and I will share with you some strategies to building wealth, creative strategies to diversify your income, assist you in building your money support system and so much more.
We only have room for 10 participants. My desire is to keep the group intimate.
Wealth Building Mastermind Group Cost: $997
Once you register you will receive the workbook, training materials and Zoom link to join the group.
If you are interested, here is how to join the July Wealth Building Mastermind Group.
Step 1: Register and may your payment of $997 https://bit.ly/MoneyManifestingProgram
Step 2: Complete the Business Builder Assessment Form
Here’s the link:
Step 3: Watch this video
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions (615) 753-5647